Nights and Sundays we forward our 800 number to Dan's cell phone in case a renter has an emergency. Aside from an occasional renter who calls at 2 in the morning because he can't remember how to turn the water pump on, we don't get many emergency calls. This Saturday, though, someone called at midnight because of an ominous engine sound. They were still in the area, but had to get to Los Angeles that morning for a business engagement. Leaving 3-year-old Nick and visiting 3-year-old grand-daughter Kimi in the care of our teenagers, we headed off to Rice RV and then to Chula Vista to deliver a new motor home. We finished the transfer at 3 a.m. and plodded home, listening to the spooky all-night AM radio show about aliens and conspiracies. The joys of being a small mom-and-pop business.