Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jeremy the Eagle Scout

Our 17-year-old Jeremy has been something between a junior partner and a janitor at Rice RV since he graduated from high school last summer (2 years early).  He thinks he is a slave and we think he has a cushy "job" - spending an awful lot of time in the air-conditioned break trailer watching Sesame Street with Nick when he should be dumping holding tanks or changing generator oil.  But, in his own unique way, Jeremy usually gets things done.  Last week, he had his final meeting with Boy Scout higher-ups and is now officially an Eagle Scout, following in the footsteps of his stepbrother, Chris.  I think it's sad that, like Chris, he will wear the red-white-and-blue neckerchief only a couple times before he leaves scouts behind him.  But Chris says his Eagle Scout belt buckle, which he wears every day, has opened more doors for him that he ever imagined.  Chris just started working for the City of San Diego in the motor pool.  We expect him to work his way up to mayor!  Oddly enough, Jeremy does not see a career in RV cleaning and is talking about signing up with the San Diego Sheriff's Department.  

Rice RV sales picking up/new inventory coming in

Perhaps the economy is improving or perhaps this is related to my previous post about so many other local dealers closing, but sales are definitely up at Rice RV in the past couple of weeks.  We are also getting in tons of new inventory (thanks to Dennis being back on the job!).  As usual for this time of year, the summer rental reservations are pouring in, so we are all busier than ever.  If you want to drop in to buy or rent an RV, early Sunday (we open at 11) has been a less-busy time.  Or drop by on a morning mid-week.